To add a new user to your team, follow these steps. Please note that you must be the "Admin" to add new users.
Navigate to the User page. Click on "Invite new user" on the top right corner.
A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to input the new user's details. Enter the new user's email address and choose their role. The invitation will only be sent successfully to a business email address.
Click the "Invite" button. The new user will receive an email from the Trusli team, inviting them to sign in. Once the invitation has been successfully sent, the new user's information will be visible on the user page.
Team user permissions
In Trusli, there are two distinct roles: "Admin" and "User," each with specific permissions:
Admins have the following permissions:
Upload templates
Add fallbacks to the template
Upload documents
Review markups in the document
Manage the team's users. For additional user management abilities, please refer to this article.
Users have the following permissions:
View templates created by admins
Add fallbacks on the template
Upload documents
Review markups in the document
User management
Team admins have the ability to manage users within their own team, enabling them to perform the following actions on User page: